The National Safety Council (NSC) has declared June as National Safety Month. One of the four areas the NSC is focusing on in June is preventing slips, trips, and falls. Did you know that falling, even from a standing position, can be deadly? In facts, falls are the...
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May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
The National Safety Council has declared May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness month. Whether you are a driver of a motor vehicle or a motorcyclist, take this opportunity to learn a bit more about motorcycle safety. MOTORCYCLE COLLISION STATISTICS More than 88,000 people...
New York Court Recognizes “Presumption of Legitimacy” for Same-Sex Couples
A child born to married same-sex parents is presumed to be the legitimate child of those parents, a New York Appellate Court recently decided. In the Matter of Joseph O. v Danielle B, the New York Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department rejected a sperm donor's...