Drug offenses are some of the most common crimes prosecuted in New York. If police officers catch someone in possession of controlled or prohibited drugs, they can arrest that person. Prosecutors can then bring criminal charges against them. In many cases, those...
Criminal Law
New York’s new “Clean Slate Act”
Until recently, those convicted of a misdemeanor or felony – maybe one that happened years ago – had that conviction follow them for years, or decades, or even for the rest of their lives. But now, under New York’s new Clean Slate Act, courts must seal old...
What are the differences between federal and state crimes?
Criminal charges are not all the same. Obviously, there are many different offenses that lead to different types of charges and different penalties. The distinction between felonies and misdemeanors can be very important, as felonies often lead to longer prison...
What is a “Preliminary Hearing” in a felony criminal case?
Felony preliminary hearings
What happened with New York state crime rates in 2022?
Crime rates may seem like completely abstract figures, but they have a bearing on everyone’s real-world experiences. Local crime rates may influence how much funding government authorities assign to different law enforcement organizations. The allocation of funds can...
What are the consequences of a first-time DUI charge in New York?
The police pull you over and accuse you of driving under the influence. This has never happened to you before, and it’s hard for you to believe that it’s happening now. But you know that it’s a very serious accusation and you’re interested in the potential...
Sentencing in Federal Court
How sentencing in federal court works
What happens if I lose my criminal trial?
Most people facing criminal charges in New York will quickly plead guilty just because they don't want to go to trial. Although about one in five people facing charges went to trial a few decades ago, now roughly 97% of criminal charges result in a guilty plea by the...
case result: Rape 1 reduced to non-sex offense; no SORA registration
Our client was accused of forcible rape and was facing 25 years in prison if he was convicted. After three days of trial, the District Attorney conceded and offered our client a plea bargain: plea to a low level, non-sex offense felony and receive a sentence of six...
Can I refuse a blood alcohol test in New York?
If you’ve been drinking and are stopped by the police, they may question you and ask you to give them a breath sample. New York is an implied consent state, which means that you have accepted that you will allow a chemical test upon request in order to maintain your...