When you have a court appearance scheduled, it is normal to be a bit nervous. The court process is unfamiliar to most people. Additionally, often there is a great deal at stake. While there is very little that you can control, there are some things you can do to make your court appearance easier.
Things to Know When Going to Court
1. Talk to Your Attorney Ahead of Time
While you may choose to simply show up on the appointed date and time for your court appearance, it is a good idea to talk to your attorney ahead of time. Your attorney will have a clearer picture of what is going on with your case.
They will be able to answer your questions and address your concerns. While your attorney can also do this in the hallway at the courthouse, this is not optimal.
2. Act Like Somebody’s Watching
From the moment you arrive at the courthouse, presume someone is observing your actions. It may be the judge. It may be the court clerk. It may be the prosecutor or opposing attorney. It could even be a potential juror.
Because you can’t possibly know all the players who may have a part in your case, presume everyone is someone who is involved in your case. Don’t cut people off in the parking lot. Don’t yell at the security guard. Don’t complain loudly about your case to your friend.
3. When in Court, Behave Yourself
When you are in court, you may hear someone say something bad about you. This may be particularly true in divorce cases. Resist the urge to roll your eyes, sigh loudly, or interrupt when someone else is talking. Instead, comport yourself in a manner that is respectful to the court. It is only natural to get frustrated, but responding with drama does not serve you or your case.
Understand that in every court case, only one side gets to present their evidence at a time. However, every side will have the opportunity to present their evidence. Your lawyer knows the evidence in your case. If the other side misstates a fact or position, your lawyer will correct it when it is their turn to speak.
Do You Need a Lawyer?
Whether you need a criminal defense attorney, a personal injury attorney, or a family familylaw lawyer, we can help. At Frost & Kavanaugh, we offer a wide range of legal services tailored to meet our clients’ needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to speaking with you about your situation.